Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Merry Christmas!

Holidays are coming and greetings are already being spread. Decorations, shining and glittering lanterns and tall Christmas trees were put up all around the corner.

People nowadays are keeping themselves busy. Some would be rushing some documents, finishing their projects and preparing all of their stuff, to spend their holidays with their family. Some would also be working really hard for them to give something else to their loved ones.

Holidays are really something special, it is where you will have family bondings, friendship getaways or maybe travel goals of your life. And Christmas season is one of them. Above all, it’s something important because we are celebrating life and celebrating love.

Christmas normally is giving and sharing as well. It’s not about material things but it’s all about the care, the thoughtfulness and the love that we can give not only to people important to us but also to people all around the world. Sharing joys and happiness, giving generosity and loving endlessly, is the real spirit of Christmas!

Sharing can be by means of giving material things and also by means of emotions- and that one is the most precious thing you can give to anyone. So, for today, I may not give you a present but I can give you my love and care.

So be merry this Christmas! Spread love, spread the joy and spread the happiness!

Friday, November 25, 2016

We Care, We Touch and We Empower

Teaching has never been easy.

They say teaching should be a passion. You need to be more careful when you handle your students. You need to be more responsible when you teach them. You need to be more patient when dealing with them and lastly, you need to have a touch of being a parent to organize them. So who says teaching is easy?

I am not a Teacher in profession but I am Teacher by passion. Teaching was not my first job though, but it’s where I stayed, it’s what I enjoyed and it’s where I survived. I never thought that teaching was this fun! In fact, I never dreamt of being a teacher in my younger years. Why? Because I’ve always thought that teaching is not interesting and challenging. I was wrong, and it was really the total opposite of what I thought when I was young.

I never taught elementary or high school students. I’ve never been a teacher in a public or a private school but I tried teaching in private companies and that’s the beginning of everything. I tried to deal with different students having diverse traditions and cultures. I tried handling students with different behaviors and attitudes. What’s more? I tried to share different stories and listen to theirs as well. Wasn’t that fun? Wasn’t that exciting? Wasn’t that interesting? Well, those things are what made me and molded me as an individual and as a Teacher.

It’s not about the profession but it’s all about the passion! 

Friday, November 18, 2016

Memories Never Die

Time is really tricky sometimes. We don’t know what will happen in the next days of our life? But it doesn’t really matter anyway right? We have our own ways spending each of our time. It could be through traveling, family bonding, writing, painting, watching, cooking and of course trying something interesting. Whatever that is, for sure, you're just having some fun and creating memorable memories.
Some people would say, you should spend your time wisely. Use it to be productive. Use it for important matters. But it doesn’t matter as long as you enjoy and if you’re living your life to the fullest, right? Some people would even say, you’re just wasting efforts, money and time but who cares this is my life and I rule it. Well, bottom line is, as long as we’re having fun then we don’t care how much money we spend and how much effort we put on it. We care about the experiences we will have, the people, the culture and the tradition we will learn and of course memories that we are going to treasure until the rest of our life.
Memories are remembrances that we collect in our day to day living. May it  be a bad memory- which we can learn a lot of thing and can be something to be reflected on or may it also be a good memory- where we can use it to inspire and give hope to those people who are hopeless. We can share our memories to empower and also to educate some people. We can use them to lead and to be an example to the nation. Memories are a powerful tool that can give color to those people who are losing their hope.
Well, I think I’m going too much and being carried away. Ha-ha! All I want to say is be happy, free your selves from stress, do whatever you want, try something you want to enjoy and create lots of memories as you can, because at the end of the day it’s still the memories that count.